Date | Message |
06.11.2024 | External study based on IOER monitor data analyses the development and differences in imperviousness degrees in District Affiliated Cities and Administrative City Districts in Germany from 2006 to 2018: |
11.09.2024 | Hemeroby index 2021 added: Based on the updated Land Cover Model Germany (LBM-DE) published by the BKG at the beginning of this year, the indicators for the hemeroby index and the proportion of areas with natural cover were calculated for the reference year 2021 and added as a new time slice. As a result, five time slices are available for these two indicators in the landscape quality category, starting with the year 2009, in three-year intervals at administrative levels and in raster format ( |
16.07.2024 | DFNS presentations published |
13.06.2024 | 18. Expert workshop on area survey was held |
11.-12.06.2024 | DFNS 2024 was held |
03.06.3024 | Abstracts of the DFNS 2024 published |
03.05.2024 | Land use indicators 2023 published |
12.04.2024 | Indicators of the 2023 time average published (Example SuV-share) |
15.06.2023 | The next DFNS will take place on 11-12.06.2024. |
14.06.2023 | The Dresden Land Use Symposium (DFNS) came to an end today. The program included 4 keynotes, 30 presentations, 22 poster presentations and 4 workshops. In addition to the current values of land take, monitoring results on settlement pressure in floodplains, land use for renewable energy, loss of agricultural land, arable farming in protected areas and organic farming based on InVeKoS data were presented. |
06.04.2023 | New land take decreased to 46.7 hectares per day in 2022 (value in 2021: 48.4 ha/day). |
24.03.2023 | Announcement of the foundation of the IOER Research Data Centre (IÖR FDZ), which will be establisehd by 2025 of which the IOER Monitor will be part of. |
01.03.2023 | Most indicator values are now available for the 2022 time series. |
04.01.2023 | The call for contributions to DFNS 2023 is now published for talks, workshops and posters. |
01.01.2023 | The IOER-Monitor will be integrated as a core data infrastructure and services within the IOER Research Data Center, which is under development phase and will be appeared soon. |
10.11.2022 | Spatial planning regions (ROR) can be subdivided and zoomed-in by the boundaries of municipality, municipality associations and districts. |
01.09.2022 | In accordance with the announcement of 07/15/2022, updated figures for new land use for all available time periods (2011, 2013-2021) have been posted effective immediately. |
31.08.2022 | Based on current data (as of 4/2022) on floodplains provided by the Federal Institute of Hydrology and the responsible state authorities in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, the flood risk indicators have been recalculated for all time periods. The indicator "Proportion of the officially defined floodplain with built-up settlement and traffic areas" has been renamed "Settlement load in the floodplain" for better understanding. The information in the indicator sheet has been changed accordingly. |
18.07.2022 | The land productivity indicator was retroactively updated using updated data on economic performance for all time periods at the level of the federal states and districts and independent cities up to and including 2019. |
15.07.2022 | Due to the increasing influence of the migration to GeoInfoDok 7.1. from 31.12.2023 on the ATKIS Basic DLM, the indicators on land take will be recalculated for all years from 2011 onwards. The results will be published for all territorial units including raster data in WebGIS and by service call on 01.09.2022. Further details |
14.07.2022 | The indicators of the Risk category were recalculated for all time periods using updated data on officially designated flooding areas. With the exception of the state of Brandenburg, for which there is no complete state-wide designation of flooding areas, the figures are available on all administrative territorial boundaries and can be retrieved via WebGIS and OGC service. |
02.11.2021 | Addition of six indicators to the urban green category showing different aspects of urban green and its accessibility for all cities >50,000 inhabitants including city district values |
21.10.2021 | Addition of an urban green grid for Germany, which is the basis for calculating indicators on urban green space. |
16.08.2021 | Additional display options of the indicator time series (marking of migration-related uncertainties, scaling, export) |
08.02.2021 | From now on, the use of the export services WCS and WFS is only possible after registration and acceptance of our data usage conditions. You will then immediately receive a personal key that allows you to use the services. The use of WMS display services is still possible without a contract. Of course, all data and services remain free of charge. |
22.12.2020 | Indicator values Imperviousness 2018 and Settlement density 2019 now available |
30.11.2020 | Monitor Land Use Basemap now also available in 2019 |
05.10.2020 | Book publication on the 12th DFNS: Land Use Monitoring XII with contributions to the monitoring of ecosystem services and SDGs |
03.06.2020 | The Council for Social and Economic Data (RatSWD) has accredited the IOER Monitor as a research data centre. This is currently still provisional pending the implementation of conditions. |
16.04.2020 | Current corona situation: IOER Monitor offers nationwide, detailed spatial information on important parameters such as settlement density or green infrastructure for example. |
11.03.2020 | Indicator values for the period 2019 now available |
| The calculation methodology (elimination of geometry adjustments and migration-related influences) was further developed. As a result, since the beginning of 2020, a few indicator values have changed sligthly again, even retrospectively. |
15.07.2019 | New photovoltaik indicator available in "Energy" category |
03.06.2020 | The Council for Social and Economic Data (RatSWD) has accredited the IOER Monitor as a research data centre. This is currently still provisional pending the implementation of conditions. |
16.04.2020 | Current corona situation: IOER Monitor offers nationwide, detailed spatial information on important parameters such as settlement density or green infrastructure for example. |
11.03.2020 | Indicator values for the period 2019 now available |
23.01.2020 | The calculation methodology (elimination of geometry adjustments and migration-related influences) was further developed. As a result, since the beginning of 2020, a few indicator values have changed sligthly again, even retrospectively. |
15.07.2019 | New photovoltaik indicator available in "Energy" category |
02.07.2019 | SAVE THE DATE: 12. Dresdner Flächennutzungssymposium (DFNS) in Dresden |
20.05.2019 | Hemeroby indicators (Percentage of nature-accentuated areas and hemeroby index) available with 2018 values |
05.04.2019 | Book publication about the DFNS 2018 as download (only available in German language) |
28.02.2019 | New functions: Map location function, marker function via checkbox in the value table and new map server for OGC services |
08.11.2018 | New spatial units "municipal association". |
26.09.2018 | Data for indicators of the category "buildings" has been updated. |
11.07.2018 | Earlier timeframes (2006, 2009, 2012) are no longer available for the indicator "imperviousness" because of their incomparability due to methodological reasons. |
08.06.2018 | Several analyses derived from IOER Monitor data published online regarding landtake of area, landform conversation, settlement density and the loss of open space |
05.06.2018 | New publication (in german language) "Flächeninanspruchnahme in Deutschland: Auf dem Wege zu einem besseren Verständnis der Siedlungs- und Verkehrsflächenentwicklung". Editors: Behnisch, Martin, Kretschmer, Odette, Meinel, Gotthard (Eds.) |
20.05.2019 | Hemeroby indicators (Percentage of nature-accentuated areas and hemeroby index) available with 2018 values |
05.04.2019 | Book publication about the DFNS 2018 as download (only available in German language) |
28.02.2019 | New functions: Map location function, marker function via checkbox in the value table and new map server for OGC services |
08.11.2018 | New spatial units "municipal association". |
26.09.2018 | Data for indicators of the category "buildings" has been updated. |
11.07.2018 | Earlier timeframes (2006, 2009, 2012) are no longer available for the indicator "imperviousness" because of their incomparability due to methodological reasons. |
08.06.2018 | Several analyses derived from IOER Monitor data published online regarding landtake of area, landform conversation, settlement density and the loss of open space |
05.06.2018 | New publication (in german language) "Flächeninanspruchnahme in Deutschland: Auf dem Wege zu einem besseren Verständnis der Siedlungs- und Verkehrsflächenentwicklung". Editors: Behnisch, Martin, Kretschmer, Odette, Meinel, Gotthard (Eds.) |
16./17.5.2018 | 10. Dresdner Flächennutzungssymposium |
09.05.2018 | Exhibition "Flächenverbrauch und Zersiedlung - Ein Umweltproblem der Siedlungsentwicklung" |
03.05.2018 | New Values for various indicators 2016 + 2017 on quarter level and values for hemeroby 2015 added |
02.05.2018 | Population data of 2016 is available and used for population related indicators of 2016 and 2017. |
30.04.2018 | New data for imperviousness: new time slice 2015 and updated values for 2006-2012 because of their re-processing by Copernicus land monitoring service |
30.04.2018 | WMS for Riskindicators and 2017 time slice updated. |
24.04.2018 | Time frame of 2017 is available for grid maps (settlement, transportation, open space). |
19.04.2018 | New indicator category energy. |
26.03.2018 | New indicator category material stock. |
19.03.2018 | New indicator category urban sprawl. |
16.03.2018 | Indicators available with data of 2017. |
23.02.2018 | Masterthesis about the new map-viewer of the IOER-Monitor was granted the GIS-Award of GDI SACHSEN e.V. |
31.01.2018 | IOER-Monitor presented at the 15. Sächsisches GIS Forum of the GDI SACHSEN e.V. |
27.11.2017 | Beta version of redesigned mapviewer published |
07.04.2017 | Indicators are available on the spatial resolution of city quarters. |
31.03.2017 | All indicators available with data of 2016. |
10.03.2017 | New indicators about building coverage and density were added. |
11.01.2017 | The time course of the indicator "land consumption" has been updated. |
22.09.2016 | WFS- and WCS-Services for integration into your own GIS are avaiable |
16.08.2016 | New populationindicator "Share of the population in the exposure area of high-voltage lines" |
07.06.2016 | Presentation of the IOER-Monitor at the "Woche der Umwelt" in Berlin |
10.05.2016 | New indicator category "ecosystem services" |
18.03.2016 | All indicatorvalues avaiable for 2015 |