The new ATKIS model (AAA model, Version 6.0) includes the land use category allotment within the object type sport, leisure, recreation area. This category of land use did not exist in the old ATKIS model (Version 3.2) and thus the IOER Monitor previously treated areas of horticulture within urban precincts simply as allotments and therefore a form of urban open space. As a result of the AAA migration, areas of object category horticulture have been temporarily reclassified in some German states (e.g. Hessen and Thuringia) as allotments (urban open space and thus a form of settlement). In other states (e.g. Baden-Württemberg and Lower Saxony) such areas are still classified as horticulture (agriculture and therefore open space). This has led to a temporary increase or reduction in settlement areas in these states. As part of the general updating of property registers by the various state survey offices these affected sites will be individually evaluated and, if required, reclassified. In some states (e.g. North Rhine-Westphalia) the classification was achieved by intersection with the urban site (similar to the IOER monitor) so that here the migration effects have scarcely any impact.
Estimation of settlement area:
As part of the AAA migration some states carried out a comparison with cadastre data, which in numerous cases led to an increase in those mapped areas characterized as built-up. In part, areas were considered built-up following the construction of ancillary roadways and utilities in order to improve topicality. This led to an increase growth in SuV in these states from 2010 to 2012.
Mining and dump sites:
Some German states previously viewed mining and dump sites as a component of mining operations, resulting their classification as industrial/commercial sites and thus settlement areas. This practice was abandoned as a result of the AAA migration. Now these mining and dump sites (without operational structures) are now uniformly classified as forms of open space. This temporarily influences the estimated extent of settlement areas, particularly in the states of Hessen, Lower Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt.
Reclassification of roads:
The downgrading of roads as a result of the AAA migration to rural hard-surface roads or farm roads (no spatial extension by buffering in the IOER monitor) influenced the indicator values both for road network length as well as for road space. This effect was particularly notable in the states of Lower Saxony, Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria and Saxony-Anhalt.
Traffic accompanying areas:
Traffic accompanying areas are not defined in the old ATKIS model. Following the AAA migration, areas can be modelled as accompanying areas to road and railways that were previously assigned to other land use categories (e.g. horticulture). This applies, for example, to grassy or wooded sites that are enclosed by motorway intersections or roundabouts. In some cases this can lead to a considerable increase in the estimate of transportation space (Baden-Württemberg, Lower Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt).